Combined Single Limit (CSL) insurance refers to Bodily Injury (BI) and Property Damage (PD) coverage combined in one single policy. Since it is one single unit of coverage, it can used towards either covering medical expenses or paying for repair bills.
CSL is also referred to as “single limit insurance”, as opposed to the “split limit” system. With a single limit policy the insurer will pay for any expense up to a certain amount, while with split limit coverage the amount is split in three categories, each with its own limit.
E.g.: A $200,000 single limit policy could be used, for instance, with $180,000 in medical expenses and $20,000 in property damage. With a $75/150/50 split policy you are limited to $75,000 in medical expenses per passenger, but not more than $150,000 per accident, and $50,000 in property damage.